Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 81 (TWO)


Can't tell you how often we have headed into a day with low expectations only to find far more wonders than seemed even remotely reasonable. Day 81 was one of those days. We'll stop in and see a history based museum and oddly specific art/craft based one with a possible roadside attraction thrown in to fill up any extra time. This should make the nightly photo organization and download process easy and not time consuming. The Oddasee email update will surely be a yawner and it will be off to bed early......... Wrong!

      As you saw from the previous message, the museums offered a lot of visually remarkable fodder for our Oddasee spirits. Those alone were a pleasant surprise but our day was far from over. It was off to see well...... something. Our research mentioned an out of the ordinary "retail store and yard full of sculptures". That was it. It was along our way toward the motel zone and thought it would be worth a drive-by at the very least.
     There was a wacky sign, a large baseball player fishing for a giant trout and a big duck with a larger than life elephant in the background but it was about a C+ for our "just try and impress us" attitude. I did get a few cool photos of said fish and duck. There was a storm looming and we decided to step up the tempo and head toward the indoor shop. While heading toward the door, we caught a glimpse of the side yard..... Holy S#@*! Look at all that stuff! There were acres of oddities including junk, sculptures and gargantuan fiberglass creatures.
    Okay people picture this.... your Oddasee Explorers are not spring chickens nor do we have one foot in the grave but with the ever darkening skies and approaching lightning, we were scampering around the  grounds like a couple of geezer lunatics having escaped from the local institution. It was a race to beat the inevitable deluge and a bit of a Karma check by running in a field of very tall objects (most with metal armatures within).... yikes! 
    Not wanting to  get to wet nor die, we headed indoors. The massive warehouse was filled with a ridiculous array of completely unrelated objects. There were more of the sculptural mega-figures and animals. There were pedal cars, shampoo, doors, a half-scale stagecoach, toys, decor items, shower stalls, building surplus, auto parts, tools and a sea of chotske crapola. What a silly display! So, while waiting out the almost tornado level ("We have cow... We have another cow" - from the movie Twister) of monsoon, we wandered around in the retail looney bin. Photog R. was having a grand old time. S. was actually shopping..... psst....shhhhhh..... don't tell anyone okay? She wants to keep her shopping obsession a secret or at the very least higher brow.

Below you will see a few pics from our journey though "M. Schettl Sales". You can tell that we didn't have any fun whatsoever.... just another day in Oddasee Heaven. Yippee!

Love and ridiculosity,

Rodney and Susan  

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