Wednesday, April 21, 2010

2010/04/20 Day One

Day One was a grand beginning. We chose to head towards a collection of Outsider art sites in Kansas. This entailed a journey through parts of northeastern New Mexico and a bits of both Oklahoma and Texas.

1. Fort Sumner NM - The Billy the Kid Museum (site of his grave). Small but extensive museum with much coverage given to the debate over his actual demise (a gentleman claimed to be the infamous outlaw). Nothing all that photogenic but amusing and added to the various interpretations of history.

2. Lunch in Fort Sumner - a little tailgating while parked next to an abandoned mill of some sort. Curiosity got the best of us and we managed to get inside (not really breaking and entering but worth the tetanus.... see photos below.

3. Our first "Roadside Attractions" along Route 66 - Tucumcari, NM
- The Tepee Curio shop & sign
- Bluebird Motel (murals)
4. Weird "Keep Out" sign and scarecrows outside of Tucumcari - oooh spooky!

5. Dinner in Dalhart TX (lovely area filled with numerous odiferous feedlots and XIT shit ranch and museumpm) - eating Italian in redneck-ville with a server named Sua (Asian with Mohawk haircut) - Rating 3.5 chiles

6. "Motel 7" in Liberal Kansas at 11:30pm (the name alone should have been a red friggin' flag/banner) - judgment poor on our part; place not dirty just dumpy. Seems stuck in 1974 with all repairs having been attempted by Indian (not of the Geronimo ilk) owners blind unskilled uncle. Rating 3.0 points

Rating System for Accommodations and Eats:

Motel rating system: (1-10 points)
1 = Rats eating cockroaches on bed at the Dew Drop Inn for $75 bucks a night
5 = Decent, affordable and average non-chain motel/hotel
10 = Shoreham Hotel in NY - hip, cool and luxurious - price does not matter

Food rating system: (1-10 chiles)
1 = Rats eating cockroaches on old Mac Donald's un-wiped table with remnant fries
from family of 8 two days ago.
5 = Sustenance but with amusing ambiance and or quirkiness
10 = almost unattainable ideal outside of eating at the home of a world renowned chef.

We drove 475 miles but the freedom and fun reality was sinking in..... yee haw!

Love and "let the games begin",

Rodney & Susan

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