Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day 84 - Tour three


Well here's the final installment from Day 84's "House on the Rock" adventure. It was certainly a unbelievable place to add to our ever growing list of Oddasee memories. Being visual by nature, it was pretty overwhelming for R. and his shutter finger was actually stiff the next day. Being a history buff, S. had to get over the lack of information (outside of the initial visitor center area) and was forced to take it all in an avalanche of images. 

Below you will find more pics of the doll carousel, the mannequin angels and one with some 3-D mice cartoon characters along with another with the Queen of Hearts. These are but two from Mr. Jordan's collection of marketing/promotional sculptures for a jewelry store chain. As we now expected, he has close to 50 of these and each was an operating automaton; we could have spent 30 minutes alone just looking at these amazing objects.   

As as example of how truly over the top this place will see a scene lit with green lights that includes a stuffed elk and a polar bear (HOTR tour three 08). Well, that's the friggin' men's restroom (the women's has belly dancers). In addition to all you have seen here, there are hardly any photos of the beautiful gardens, ponds and grounds enveloping this one of a kind attraction. 

It was worth every penny and every step. It was awesome, arduous and absurd. We highly recommend it to anyone traveling near Spring Green, Wisconsin. Note: Do not try to see it all in one day. That is an endeavor best left for professionals like the now world renowned Oddasee duo.

Love and whelmed over,

Rodney and Susan   

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