Off and running, we hit the asphalt early for yet another out-of-the-ordinary museum. In a rare moment of simply driving from point A to point B, we arrived at the American Sign Museum. While a bit confused at first, we soon learned that the building is being shared with "Essex Studios". This an enormous structure with over 90 art studios and they appear to be quite large. Still early in the day, there were few of the typically nocturnal creatures to be found. We wandered around a bit after the museum.
The main objective was the sign museum. It was much more than expected. Our guide was Tod Swormstedt. He is also the founder and director of the museum. He is very knowledgeable and told us about each and every sign. His family has owned "The sign industry trade journal, "Signs of the Times" since 1906. One thing led to another and the museum opened in a 4500sf space but will soon be moving to a 44,000sf building. The museum focuses on four eras of American signage -- fancy goldleaf glass signs, light bulb signs, neon's hey day in the 20-40's and then of plastic signs in the 50's.
There was history to be learned, curiosity satisfied, laughter and a bit of nostalgia. Photographing neon is a challenge but the pics will give you a taste of the glow we experienced. It was fun, amazing and very entertaining.
Love and brightly colored chasing lights,
Rodney and Susan
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