Back in Colorado Springs.... taking some time to adjust to being back in the "real" world. We truly are Oddasee addicted. While we keep finding things to soothe our curious souls, there is an underlying antsy-ness. It really will take a period of adjustment as we slowly fade into the never to be quite the same, mundane routines of "normal" life.
Friday after the Canon City Prison Museum Oddasee fix, we meandered toward the Springs via Guffy, Cripple Creek, Victor and Woodland Park. This is a part of Colorado has never been seen by Susan. The weather offered some extra beauty but the cloud cover did obscure Pikes Peak; we will drive up there sometime in the next few days for the full blown tourista view.
Nighttime found us in the presence of R's dear friend Lori; ahh..... Hotel Cohen, always a treat. We had a great time with S. meeting L. for the first time. There were tales to tell and lots of catching up to be done. The evenings festivities included the Gumpper/Flynn clan. The grub was the anticipated gluttony festival of high quality and healthy culinary delights. The talks and laughs went late into the night.....
Saturday was the big "picnic" day at Antler's Park. The weather co-operated and no other group had laid claim to the pavilion. Then.... we found out why. Yes this choice of park was a safe bet in that few would be interested in hanging with the locals of a special ilk. There was a trio of, shall we say, early day imbibers. Their other compadre was full-on tweaking in his own, mostly, private Idaho. His self-rant and involuntary wacko cha-cha was not the entertainment we had hoped for. He did keep to his territory off to the side. Based on others who stopped by, this activity seemed to be par for the park. Not real conducive for family day. No badminton or croquet for these boys.
All that drama did not dampen a wonderful afternoon of friends. It was great to let everyone meet the Oddasee Susan that they had seen via the daily emails. R. loved sharing friends with other friends. The hugs alone made the day a grand success. Oh and the cookies, pie etc. were not bad either. Note: A bit of time and piece of pizza offered by R. seemed to satisfy our meth neighbor as he moved on.
After the big "meet, greet and eat", we were off to the fulfill one of R's not lately sated obsession.... a movie. Susan seems equally film fanatical and expressed similar desires. After that fun it was off for more yum-yums at Shuga's. Then a blissful sleep in the completely bedbug free Nirvana of Cohen Inn.
While the Oddasee sights have slowed, there are still "must sees" on the list. Also along the way there have been a few miscellaneous pics yet shared.
The photos:
Back in Colorado Springs.... taking some time to adjust to being back in the "real" world. We truly are Oddasee addicted. While we keep finding things to soothe our curious souls, there is an underlying antsy-ness. It really will take a period of adjustment as we slowly fade into the never to be quite the same, mundane routines of "normal" life.
Friday after the Canon City Prison Museum Oddasee fix, we meandered toward the Springs via Guffy, Cripple Creek, Victor and Woodland Park. This is a part of Colorado has never been seen by Susan. The weather offered some extra beauty but the cloud cover did obscure Pikes Peak; we will drive up there sometime in the next few days for the full blown tourista view.
Nighttime found us in the presence of R's dear friend Lori; ahh..... Hotel Cohen, always a treat. We had a great time with S. meeting L. for the first time. There were tales to tell and lots of catching up to be done. The evenings festivities included the Gumpper/Flynn clan. The grub was the anticipated gluttony festival of high quality and healthy culinary delights. The talks and laughs went late into the night.....
Saturday was the big "picnic" day at Antler's Park. The weather co-operated and no other group had laid claim to the pavilion. Then.... we found out why. Yes this choice of park was a safe bet in that few would be interested in hanging with the locals of a special ilk. There was a trio of, shall we say, early day imbibers. Their other compadre was full-on tweaking in his own, mostly, private Idaho. His self-rant and involuntary wacko cha-cha was not the entertainment we had hoped for. He did keep to his territory off to the side. Based on others who stopped by, this activity seemed to be par for the park. Not real conducive for family day. No badminton or croquet for these boys.
All that drama did not dampen a wonderful afternoon of friends. It was great to let everyone meet the Oddasee Susan that they had seen via the daily emails. R. loved sharing friends with other friends. The hugs alone made the day a grand success. Oh and the cookies, pie etc. were not bad either. Note: A bit of time and piece of pizza offered by R. seemed to satisfy our meth neighbor as he moved on.
After the big "meet, greet and eat", we were off to the fulfill one of R's not lately sated obsession.... a movie. Susan seems equally film fanatical and expressed similar desires. After that fun it was off for more yum-yums at Shuga's. Then a blissful sleep in the completely bedbug free Nirvana of Cohen Inn.
While the Oddasee sights have slowed, there are still "must sees" on the list. Also along the way there have been a few miscellaneous pics yet shared.
The photos:
1. Starr Kempf's sculpture: Those of you living within the Pikes Peak Region have likely long enjoyed these remarkable creations and are probably aware of the drama surrounding them. The pieces have caused much debate over the years and I can only assume there is more to come. Let's just focus on the pieces remaining on the Kempf property. Starr is certainly not an outsider artist but he was quite the visionary. His life was far from common and the sculptures remain ever extraordinary. Enjoy.
2. The Beckwith Ranch: This gorgeous scene was not on our list but found on the road between Westcliffe and Salida; we came upon this irresistible sight as we skirted oncoming storms. The ranch is under restoration by the Colo. Historic Society. By coincidence we met a gentleman that told us his role in the restoration -- the main house was raised to facilitate placement of a new foundation. The ranch's history is almost as impressive as it's current visage. The storm made for some amazing photos.
3. Miscellaneous:
a) Old gas station made of petrified wood in Lamar.
b) A lounging cat and mule eye from Bent's Fort
So goes the Oddasee trek. Not too worry, there is more to come.....
Love from your no-need-to-tweak Oddaseers,
Rodney and Susan
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