Day 19 was very full. There were many sites and places to find. Houston..... OMG what a pain in our "odd" butts. The highway thing is completely nuts - they're not arranged in grids/north/south but rather in these wacky circles and spider webs of madness. The GPS had smoke coming out of it or... was it coming from Rodney's ears? If ever there was a relationship tester, it's called the Houston road system. Streets magically transform into new names or numbers, there's a plethora of one-way nightmares, round-abouts and of course the ever popular tollways. Oy!
1. The Art Car Museum - related to the Art Car Parade (the main reason for our Houston visit). The building was the main attraction with limited "art cars" inside. We think maybe some of the vehicles may have been out prepping for tomorrow's parade. The people were very friendly and a fountain of info about the parade and other art viewing sites, museums, galleries and hot spots.
2. Houston Museum of Natural Science - we were guided here by my best bud Joe Givan. Joe, the oft crowned World Champion Close-Up Magician, told us about the "Magic" exhibition at the museum. It was way cool. Lots of magic history ephemera, fun videos, a walk-around show by Richard Hatch (not the fat naked first Survivor winner), a stage show and lots of props. We also wandered the rest of the museum with the gem displays being the highlight. Note: no photography allowed in the exhibit; bummer.
3. The Flower Man - After yet another Donner Party like road quest (had to chew my arm off and poor Susan wanted to ride on the roof), we found this incredible home art environment. Unbelievable array of everything including the kitchen sink. The local flying vermin (aka: pigeons) had found this scenic locale and were ardently adding their embellishments. Visual chaos would be the best description. Then I climbed atop a fence in the park next door. This scene before my eyes made the front yard look like it had been organized and tidied by Susan (note: she is world renowned for her prowess in this specialized skill). The yard was an explosion including an "art car" that surely has never moved. Fan-friggin-tastic!
4. WTF Houston - Just down the block from Flower Man was a field filled with curious sculpture/objects-o- curiosities. Not sure what the plan was - kind of looks like an homage to concrete footballs with nipples. Hmmm?
5. The Beer Can House by John Milkovisch - This house was not open but we got an eye-full from the street. Owned and operated by the Orange Show Organization (Art Car parade organizers) and maintained with care. It was a remarkable site and made more so by the fact that it sits between an over-gentrified neighborhood of condo-maximums. Another thing hard to describe was the wonderful sound emanating from the thousands of cans and lids blowing in the gentle wind; magical.
6. The Longhorn Armadillo - Kind of a neo-roadside attraction/sign outside of a full on Texan meat restaurant (BBQ and Steak). Very well done and hard to miss. Susan is on bit of a quest for as many out of the ordinary armadillo interactions as possible - this photo-op was certainly with the trek.
Had a great meal at BBQ joint that has been in the area for over 75 years. Very authentic and yummy. Time to rest for the big event tomorrow - the Art Car Parade runs from 1-3pm but people line up early with various sites to be seen all day. Bound to be an avalanche of auto-wonders in the next email.
Love and magical beer can armadillos driving found object autos,
Rodney and Susan (yes we are still speaking and loving our adventure)
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